Introducing City Hall Community Office Hours: The following link will take you to the City Hall Community Office Hours page. (Page will open in new window):
This Entergy community information session was held Thursday, January 24, 2019 at 6pm. Meeting was located at Corpus Christi Epiphany Community Resource Center. Meeting attended by Pam Harris-Coward (Secretary) and Eraina Jessie (Vice President). Entergy plans to replace all current meters with new advanced meters. Please read attached Entergy letter already sent to one DANA member, the 2 page advanced metering frequently answered questions pdf and the Entergy trifold pamphlet. For more information please contact or call Hotline 504-670-3624. Thanks.
The Grand Opening of the Norman Mayer Library will be on Tuesday, March 20th from 2:00pm-3:00pm. The library is located at 3001 Gentilly Blvd. (across from Liberty Bank) The hours of operation are Monday thru Thursday (10am-7pm) and Saturday (10am-5pm).
If you become a Library Card member, you can benefit from a computer lab, Wi-Fi hot spots, electronic self-checkout, and community meeting spaces. For more information, use the website: or call (504) 529-READ.
Below you will find a link to the Third District “Hot Sheet”. This form can be used to report numerous quality of life issues. In the interest of better serving our citizens we have made the form computer friendly. Now you have the ability to fill out the form on your computer and email it directly to the Third District Community Policing Unit. In the event you do not wish to do this you may print out the form, fill it out and fax it to the Third District station at (504) 658-6169. If you experience any technical problems completing or sending the document please let one of the members of our Third District Community Policing Team know so we may resolve the issue and make reporting these violations as easy convenient as possible!
Mosquito Control: 504-658-2400
Useful Phone Numbers for DANA Residents:
AskNOLA/311, the City of New Orleans Information Hotline, acts as a gateway to various municipal departments, providing citizens access to important non-emergency services and other resources, make sure you are given a case number during your call. For a complete departmental telephone directory, visit the website online.
Third District Map and other Information (Desaix Area is Section L on Map)
Use the Link below to access the RoadworkNOLA Newsletter: